In connection with the Independence Day, our company organized a festive event.
In connection with the Independence Day, our company organized a festive event.
In connection with the Independence Day, our company organized a festive event.
In connection with the Independence Day, our company organized a festive event.
On August 17, 2018, the enterprises that are part of Uzavtosanoat JSC organized an exhibition seminar in order to reduce imports and deepen the level of localization.
On August 17, 2018, the enterprises that are part of Uzavtosanoat JSC organized an exhibition seminar in order to reduce imports and deepen the level of localization.
On August 17, 2018, the enterprises that are part of Uzavtosanoat JSC organized an exhibition seminar in order to reduce imports and deepen the level of localization.
On August 17, 2018, the enterprises that are part of Uzavtosanoat JSC organized an exhibition seminar in order to reduce imports and deepen the level of localization.
On August 17, 2018, the enterprises that are part of Uzavtosanoat JSC organized an exhibition seminar in order to reduce imports and deepen the level of localization.
On August 17, 2018, the enterprises that are part of Uzavtosanoat JSC organized an exhibition seminar in order to reduce imports and deepen the level of localization.
2018 yil 17 avgust kuni "O'zavtosanoat" AJ tarkibiga kiruvchi korxonalar importni kamaytirish va mahalliylashtirish darajasini chuqurlashtirish maqsadida ko'rgazma seminarini tashkil etishdi.
The heads of the Erae Automotive Systems Co., LTD. corporation. They paid an official visit to our company.
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